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  100.                 VLC Server Controls: <br />
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  114.       <tr>
  115.       <td>
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  123.                         <strong>-- View --</strong>
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  125.                  </td>
  126.                  <td style="width: 281px">
  127.                  <div style="FLOAT: right">
  128.                      <strong>-- Streamer Configuration Settings --</strong>
  129.                  </div>
  130.                  </td>
  131.             </tr>
  132.             <tr>
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  135.                     <asp:LinkButton ID="playerOpts" runat="server" CssClass="btn-normal-small" OnClick="playerOptsButton_Click">
  136.                             <span>Player Opts</span></asp:LinkButton><asp:LinkButton ID="transOpts" runat="server"
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  138.                             <span>Trans Opts</span></asp:LinkButton>
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  147.                 </td>
  148.             </tr>
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  150.             <br />
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  152.                 <table class="listing" border="0" style="width: 460px">
  153.                     <tr>
  154.                         <td style="width: 460px">
  155.                             <strong>Stream Player:</strong></td>
  156.                     </tr>
  157.                     <tr>
  158.                         <td style="width: 460px">
  159.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="streamPlayer" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="streamPlayer_SelectedIndexChanged">
  160.                         <asp:ListItem Selected="True" Value="vlc">VLC</asp:ListItem>
  161.                         <asp:ListItem Value="wmp">WMP</asp:ListItem>
  162.                         <asp:ListItem Value="dnld">Download</asp:ListItem>
  163.                     </asp:DropDownList>
  164.                     <asp:CheckBox ID="externalPlayer" runat="server" OnCheckedChanged="externalPlayer_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="True" />
  165.                     Open Stream in External Player</td>
  166.                     </tr>
  167.                     <tr>
  168.                         <td style="width: 460px; height: 21px;">
  169.                         </td>
  170.                     </tr>
  171.                     <tr>
  172.                         <td style="width: 460px; height: 21px;">
  173.                             <strong>Common Streamer Options:</strong></td>
  174.                     </tr>
  175.                 </table>
  176.                     <table border="1" class="listing" style="width: 460px">
  177.                         <tr>
  178.                             <td style="width: 165px">
  179.                                 <strong>Video Bitrate:</strong></td>
  180.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  181.                                 <strong>Video Size:</strong></td>
  182.                             <td style="width: 100px">
  183.                                 <strong>Streamer Port:</strong></td>
  184.                         </tr>
  185.                         <tr>
  186.                             <td style="width: 165px" valign="bottom">
  187.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="streamBitRate" runat="server" ToolTip="This option allows to set the bitrate of the transcoded video stream, in kbit/s">
  188.                         <asp:ListItem Value="0">128</asp:ListItem>
  189.                         <asp:ListItem Value="1">256</asp:ListItem>
  190.                         <asp:ListItem Value="2">512</asp:ListItem>
  191.                         <asp:ListItem Value="3">LAN</asp:ListItem>
  192.                     </asp:DropDownList></td>
  193.                             <td style="width: 108px" valign="bottom">
  194.                     <asp:RadioButtonList id="streamVideoSizeOpt" runat="server" CssClass="listing" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatLayout="Flow" OnSelectedIndexChanged="hlSubmit_Click" AutoPostBack="True" Width="125px" ToolTip="Choose between selecting a pre-set video size or having the ability to provide a resize factor such as 0.50 to display the video at 1/2 of its recording size.">
  195.                         <asp:ListItem Value="preset">Preset</asp:ListItem>
  196.                         <asp:ListItem Value="scale">Scale</asp:ListItem>
  197.                     </asp:RadioButtonList>
  198.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="streamVideoSize" runat="server" ToolTip="This allows you to choose a pre-Set video display size.">
  199.                         <asp:ListItem Value="320">320x213</asp:ListItem>
  200.                         <asp:ListItem Value="480">480x320</asp:ListItem>
  201.                         <asp:ListItem Value="720">720x480</asp:ListItem>
  202.                     </asp:DropDownList>
  203.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="streamVideoScaleSize" runat="server" MaxLength="5" 
  204.                                     size="4" Width="38px" ToolTip="This option allows the give the ratio from which the video should be rescaled while being transcoded. This option can be particularly useful to help reduce the bitrate of a stream.">1</asp:TextBox></td>
  205.                             <td style="width: 100px" valign="bottom">
  206.                     <asp:TextBox ID="streamPort" runat="server" size="4"
  207.                         Width="38px" ToolTip="Port on EWA Host System where Stream will be made availble for viewing.">7648</asp:TextBox></td>
  208.                         </tr>
  209.                         <tr>
  210.                             <td style="width: 165px; height: 21px">
  211.                                 <strong>Streamer Buffer Size (ms):</strong></td>
  212.                             <td colspan="2" style="height: 21px">
  213.                                 <strong>Streamer Process Priority:</strong></td>
  214.                         </tr>
  215.                         <tr>
  216.                             <td style="width: 165px; height: 21px">
  217.                     <asp:TextBox ID="streamBuffer" runat="server" size="4" Width="38px" ToolTip="Buffer size used by VLC Plugin Player only.">5000</asp:TextBox></td>
  218.                             <td colspan="2" style="height: 21px">
  219.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="streamPriority" runat="server" Width="112px" ToolTip="This sets the priority of VLC on the server.">
  220.                         <asp:ListItem Value="BelowNormal">Low</asp:ListItem>
  221.                         <asp:ListItem Value="BelowNormal">Below Normal</asp:ListItem>
  222.                         <asp:ListItem Value="Normal">Normal</asp:ListItem>
  223.                         <asp:ListItem Value="AboveNormal">Above Normal</asp:ListItem>
  224.                         <asp:ListItem Value="High">High</asp:ListItem>
  225.                     </asp:DropDownList></td>
  226.                         </tr>
  227.                     </table>
  228.             </asp:Panel>
  229.             <asp:Panel ID="transcodeOptions" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="470px">
  231.                 <table class="listing" border="0" style="width: 460px">
  232.                     <tr>
  233.                         <td style="width: 460px">
  234.                             <strong>Streamer Transcode Options:</strong></td>
  235.                     </tr>
  236.                     <tr>
  237.                         <td style="width: 460px">
  238.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="streamSetting" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="hlSubmit_Click" AutoPostBack="True" ToolTip="Select a preset transcode option or turn on Manual congifuration options.">
  239.                         <asp:ListItem Value="0">MP4V/MP4A/MPEG-TS</asp:ListItem>
  240.                         <asp:ListItem Value="1">WMV/MP4A/MPEG-TS</asp:ListItem>
  241.                         <asp:ListItem Value="2">WMV/MP3/ASF</asp:ListItem>
  242.                         <asp:ListItem Value="3">H264/MP4A/MPEG-TS</asp:ListItem>
  243.                         <asp:ListItem Value="manual">Manual Options</asp:ListItem>
  244.                     </asp:DropDownList>
  245.                             <span runat="server" id="preConfigMessage"> (Known to work on most machines)</span></td>
  246.                     </tr>
  247.                     <tr>
  248.                         <td style="width: 460px; height: 21px;">
  249.                         </td>
  250.                     </tr>
  251.                 </table>
  252.                 <span runat="server" id="manualOptions">
  253.                     <table border="1" class="listing" style="width: 460px">
  254.                         <tr>
  255.                             <td colspan="3" style="height: 21px; text-align: left">
  256.                                 <strong>Manual Streamer Transcode Options:
  257.                                     <br />
  258.                                 </strong>(Some Combinations may not work on all machines)</td>
  259.                         </tr>
  260.                         <tr>
  261.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 21px">
  262.                                 <strong>Mux:</strong></td>
  263.                             <td style="width: 95px; height: 21px">
  264.                                 <strong>Video Codec:</strong></td>
  265.                             <td style="width: 100px; height: 21px">
  266.                                 <strong>Audio Codec:</strong></td>
  267.                         </tr>
  268.                         <tr>
  269.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 26px">
  270.                                 <asp:DropDownList ID="strmMux" runat="server" ToolTip="This option allows you to set the encapsulation method used for the resulting stream.">
  271.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="ts">TS</asp:ListItem>
  272.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="ps">PS</asp:ListItem>
  273.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="asf">ASF</asp:ListItem>
  274.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="ogg">Ogg</asp:ListItem>
  275.                                 </asp:DropDownList></td>
  276.                             <td style="width: 95px; height: 26px">
  277.                                 <asp:DropDownList ID="strmVideo" runat="server" ToolTip="This options allows to specify the codec the video tracks of the input stream should be transcoded to.">
  278.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="mp4v">MPEG-4</asp:ListItem>
  279.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="mp2v">MPEG-2</asp:ListItem>
  280.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="mp1v">MPEG-1</asp:ListItem>
  281.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="WMV1">WMV-1</asp:ListItem>
  282.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="WMV2">WMV-2</asp:ListItem>
  283.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="H263">HI/263</asp:ListItem>
  284.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="h264">H.264/MPEG-4 AVC</asp:ListItem>
  285.                                 </asp:DropDownList></td>
  286.                             <td style="width: 100px; height: 26px">
  287.                                 <asp:DropDownList ID="strmAudio" runat="server" ToolTip="This options allows to specify the codec the audio tracks of the input stream should be transcoded to.">
  288.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="mp4a">MPEG-4</asp:ListItem>
  289.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="mp3">MPEG-3</asp:ListItem>
  290.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="mpga">MPEG 1/2</asp:ListItem>
  291.                                 </asp:DropDownList></td>
  292.                         </tr>
  293.                         <tr>
  294.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 21px">
  295.                                 <strong>Audio Bitrate:</strong></td>
  296.                             <td style="width: 95px; height: 21px">
  297.                                 <strong>Audio Channels:</strong></td>
  298.                             <td style="width: 100px; height: 21px">
  299.                                 <strong>Video Encoder:</strong></td>
  300.                         </tr>
  301.                         <tr>
  302.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 21px">
  303.                                 <asp:DropDownList ID="strmAudoBitrate" runat="server" ToolTip="This option allows to set the bitrate of the transcoded audio stream, in kbit/s">
  304.                                     <asp:ListItem>8</asp:ListItem>
  305.                                     <asp:ListItem>16</asp:ListItem>
  306.                                     <asp:ListItem Selected="True">32</asp:ListItem>
  307.                                     <asp:ListItem>64</asp:ListItem>
  308.                                     <asp:ListItem>96</asp:ListItem>
  309.                                     <asp:ListItem>128</asp:ListItem>
  310.                                     <asp:ListItem>256</asp:ListItem>
  311.                                 </asp:DropDownList></td>
  312.                             <td style="width: 95px; height: 21px">
  313.                                 <asp:DropDownList ID="strmAudioChannels" runat="server" ToolTip="This option allows to set the number of channels of the resulting audio stream. This is useful for codecs that don't have support for more than 2 channels, of to lower the bitrate of an audio stream.">
  314.                                     <asp:ListItem>2</asp:ListItem>
  315.                                     <asp:ListItem>1</asp:ListItem>
  316.                                 </asp:DropDownList></td>
  317.                             <td style="width: 100px; height: 21px">
  318.                                 <asp:DropDownList ID="strmVencoder" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="hlSubmit_Click" AutoPostBack="True" ToolTip="This allows to set the encoder to use to encode the videos stream.">
  319.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="default">Default</asp:ListItem>
  320.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="ffmpeg" Enabled="False">FFMPEG</asp:ListItem>
  321.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="theora" Enabled="False">Theora</asp:ListItem>
  322.                                     <asp:ListItem Value="h264">H264</asp:ListItem>
  323.                                 </asp:DropDownList></td>
  324.                         </tr>
  325.                     </table>
  326.                     </span>
  327.                     <span runat="server" id="H264">
  328.                     <table id="H264Table" class="listing" style="width: 460px" border="1" visible="false">
  329.                         <tr>
  330.                             <td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">
  331.                                 <strong>
  332.                                 H264 Encoder Options  </strong><em><a href="http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/ch03.html">Help#1</a> 
  333.                                     <a href="http://www.digital-digest.com/articles/x264_options_page1.html">Help#2</a></em></td>
  334.                         </tr>
  335.                         <tr>
  336.                             <td style="width: 612px; height: 23px;">
  337.                                 <strong>Key Int:</strong></td>
  338.                             <td style="width: 126px; height: 23px;">
  339.                                 <strong>IDR Int:</strong></td>
  340.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 23px;">
  341.                                 <strong>B Frames:</strong></td>
  342.                         </tr>
  343.                         <tr>
  344.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  345.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264KeyInt" runat="server" size="4"
  346.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip="Allows to set the maximal amount of frames between 2 key frames"></asp:TextBox></td>
  347.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  348.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264IDRInt" runat="server" size="4"
  349.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip="Allows to set the maximal amount of frames between 2 IDR frames"></asp:TextBox></td>
  350.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  351.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264BFrames" runat="server" size="4"
  352.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip="Selects the number of consecutive B-frames x264 should use. ">0</asp:TextBox></td>
  353.                         </tr>
  354.                         <tr>
  355.                             <td style="width: 612px; height: 23px;">
  356.                                 <strong>Quantizer Param:</strong></td>
  357.                             <td style="width: 126px; height: 23px;">
  358.                                 <strong>Quantizer Max:</strong></td>
  359.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 23px;">
  360.                                 <strong>Quantizer Min:</strong></td>
  361.                         </tr>
  362.                         <tr>
  363.                             <td style="width: 612px; height: 26px;">
  364.                             <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264QuantizerParam" runat="server" 
  365.                                     size="4" Width="38px" ToolTip="Set the quantizer value for the encoding. A high quantizer will equal a low quality (and smaller file size). A quantizer value between 20 (high quality) and 30 (low quality) should be used. "></asp:TextBox></td>
  366.                             <td style="width: 126px; height: 26px;">
  367.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264QuantizerMax" runat="server" 
  368.                                     size="4" Width="38px" ToolTip="Allows to set the maximum value for the quantizer"></asp:TextBox></td>
  369.                             <td style="width: 108px; height: 26px;">
  370.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264QuantizerMin" runat="server" size="4"
  371.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip="Allows to set the minimum value for the quantizer"></asp:TextBox></td>
  372.                         </tr>
  373.                         <tr>
  374.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  375.                                 <strong>CABAC:</strong></td>
  376.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  377.                                 <strong>Loop Filter:</strong></td>
  378.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  379.                                 <strong>Analyse:</strong></td>
  380.                         </tr>
  381.                         <tr>
  382.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  383.                                 <asp:CheckBox ID="strmH264CABAC" runat="server" Width="167px" ToolTip="Stands for Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding. Improves encoding efficiency at the expense of playback/decoding efficiency. The default option of leaving this setting On is recommended, unless the encoded video is to be played back on devices with limited decoding power (eg. portable devices such as the iPod or high resolution clip playback on the Xbox). " /></td>
  384.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  385.                                 <asp:CheckBox ID="strmH264LoopFilter" runat="server" Width="110px" ToolTip='Also known as "de-blocking" filter. Connected with the "Alpha" and "Beta" setting next to it. One of the fundamental differences between H.264 and previous codecs. Should always be enabled or excessive video artifacts may appear.' /></td>
  386.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  387.                                 <asp:CheckBox ID="strmH264Analyse" runat="server" Width="110px" ToolTip="Enables the analyze mode" /></td>
  388.                         </tr>
  389.                         <tr>
  390.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  391.                                 <strong>Frame Ref:</strong></td>
  392.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  393.                                 <strong>Adapt:</strong></td>
  394.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  395.                                 <strong>ME:</strong></td>
  396.                         </tr>
  397.                         <tr>
  398.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  399.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264FrameRef" runat="server"  size="4"
  400.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip="Allows to set the number of previous frames used as predictors"></asp:TextBox></td>
  401.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  402.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264Adapt" runat="server"  size="4"
  403.                                     Width="52px">none</asp:TextBox></td>
  404.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  405.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264Me" runat="server" size="4"
  406.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip="Stands for Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding. Improves encoding efficiency at the expense of playback/decoding efficiency. The default option of leaving this setting On is recommended, unless the encoded video is to be played back on devices with limited decoding power (eg. portable devices such as the iPod or high resolution clip playback on the Xbox). ">dia</asp:TextBox></td>
  407.                         </tr>
  408.                         <tr>
  409.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  410.                                 <strong>Sub ME:</strong></td>
  411.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  412.                                 <strong>Chroma-ME:</strong></td>
  413.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  414.                                 <strong>ME Range:</strong></td>
  415.                         </tr>
  416.                         <tr>
  417.                             <td style="width: 612px">
  418.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264SubME" runat="server" size="4"
  419.                                     Width="38px" ToolTip='Also known as "Partition Decision". A very important option that determines how x264 makes decisions about motion estimation. The options are available from 1 to 7, with 1 being the fastest (lowest quality) and 7 being the slowest (best quality). A setting of 6 is the most common,'>1</asp:TextBox></td>
  420.                             <td style="width: 126px">
  421.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264ChromaME" runat="server" size="4"
  422.                                     Width="54px">none</asp:TextBox></td>
  423.                             <td style="width: 108px">
  424.                                 <asp:TextBox ID="strmH264MERange" runat="server" size="4"
  425.                                     Width="38px">1</asp:TextBox></td>
  426.                         </tr>
  427.                   </table>
  428.                 </span>
  429.             </asp:Panel>
  430.             </td>
  431.           </tr>  
  432.          </table>    
  433.         </div> 
  434.     </form>
  435.     </body>
  436. </HTML>